April 21, 2011

Quran About Abortion

Those have lost those who killed their children in foolishness without knowledge and forbid what has been provided for them by God, inventing lies about God. Certainly, they have gone astray and they are not guided.
[Quran, 6:140]

And do not kill your children for fear of poverty. We provide for them and for you. Indeed, their killing is a great sin. [Quran, 17:31]

And do not go near unlawful sexual intercourse. Indeed, it is an immorality and an evil way. [Quran, 17:32]

O Prophet, when the believing women come to you pledging to you that they will not associate anything with God, nor will they steal, nor will they commit unlawful sexual intercourse, nor will they kill their children, nor will they bring forth a slander they have invented between their arms and legs, nor will they disobey you in what is right - then accept their pledge and ask forgiveness for them of God. Indeed, God is Forgiving and Merciful. [Quran, 60:12]

Picture is borrowed from caritaschristi.org

April 19, 2011

The nr. 1 verse code 19-followers use to valid their claim about a "code miracle" in Quran.

Those to whom We have given the Book recite it with its true recital. They believe in it. And whoever disbelieves in it, they are the losers.
[Quran, 2:121]

He is the One Who revealed to you the Book, of it are verses absolutely clear - they are the foundation of the Book, and others are allegorical. Then as for those with perversity in their hearts - they follow what is allegorical of it, seeking the discord and seeking its interpretation. And no one knows its interpretation except God. Those firm in knowledge say, "We believe in it. All is from our Lord." And nobody will take heed except men of understanding. [Quran, 3:7]

The verse: Over it are nineteen. [Quran, 74:30]

And We have set none but angels as Guardians of the Fire; and We have fixed their number only as a trial for Unbelievers,- in order that the People of the Book may arrive at certainty, and the Believers may increase in Faith,- and that no doubts may be left for the People of the Book and the Believers, and that those in whose hearts is a disease and the Unbelievers may say, "What symbol doth God intend by this ?" Thus doth God leave to stray whom He please, and guide whom He please: and none can know the forces of thy Lord, except He and this is no other than a warning to mankind. [Quran, 74:31]

April 17, 2011

IDOLATRY -The Unforgivable Sin (if maintained until death)

Indeed, God does not forgive association with Him, but He forgives what is less than that for whom He wills. And he who associates others with God has certainly fabricated a tremendous sin. [Quran, 4:48]

They have certainly disbelieved who say, "God is the Messiah, the son of Mary" while the Messiah has said, "O Children of Israel, serve God, my Lord and your Lord." Indeed, he who associates others with God - God has forbidden him Paradise, and his refuge is the Fire. And there are not for the wrongdoers any helpers. [Quran, 5:72]

Yet, they set up beside God idols from among the jinns, though He is the One who created them. They even attribute to Him sons and daughters, without any knowledge. Be He glorified. He is the Most High, far above their claims. [Quran, 6:100]

And it was already revealed to you and to those before you that if you should associate with God, your work would surely become worthless, and you would surely be among the losers. [Quran, 39:65]

Types of Idols:
And when We made an appointment with Moses for forty nights. Then you took (for worship) the calf after him, while you were wrongdoers.
[Quran, 2:51]

It is not for a human that GOD should give him the Scripture and authority and prophet-hood and then he would say to the people, "Idolize me rather than GOD," but, "Be pious scholars of the Lord alone because of what you have taught of the Scripture and because of what you have studied." [Quran, 3:79]

They call upon instead of Him none but female gods besides Him; as a matter of fact, they only call upon none but a rebellious Satan. [Quran, 4:117]

But when He gives them a good child, They make for Him partners in what He has given them. God be exalted above what they associate with Him. [Quran, 7:190]

The idols you invoke besides God are slaves like you. So invoke them and let them respond to you, if you are truthful. [Quran, 7:194]

They have taken their religious leaders and scholars as lords besides God, and the Messiah, the son of Mary. And they were not commanded except to serve One God; there is no god except Him. Exalted is He above whatever they associate with Him. [Quran, 9:31]

And most of them believe not in God without associating partners with Him. [Quran, 12:106]

As for the idols they set up beside God, they do not create anything; they themselves were created. They are dead, not alive, and they have no idea how or when they will be resurrected. [Quran, 16:20-21]

And set forth to them the example of two men; We provided for one of them two gardens of grapes, surrounded by date palms, and placed crops between both of them. Both gardens produced their crops on time, and generously, for we caused a river to run through them. Once, after harvesting, he boastfully told his friend: "I am far more prosperous than you, and I command more respect from the people." When he entered his garden, he wronged his soul by saying, "I do not think that this will ever end. "Moreover, I think this is it; I do not think that the Hour will ever come to pass. Even if I am returned to my Lord, I will possess an even better one over there." [Quran, 18:32-36]

Indeed, his crops were wiped out, and he ended up sorrowful, lamenting what he had spent on it in vain, as his property lay barren. He finally said, "I wish I never set up my property as a god beside my Lord." [Quran, 18:42]

Do those who disbelieve think that they can get away with setting up My servants as gods beside Me? We have prepared for the disbelievers Hell as an eternal abode. [Quran, 18:102]

Before that, we granted Abraham his guidance and understanding, for we were fully aware of him. He said to his father and his people, "What are these statues to which you are devoting yourselves?" They said, "We found our parents worshiping them." [Quran, 21:51-53]

Have you seen the one who takes as his god his own desire? Then would you be responsible for him? [Quran, 25:43]

Of those who divide their religion and become sects, each party rejoicing in what they have. [Quran, 30:32]

Have you seen he who has taken as his god his desire, and God has sent him astray due to knowledge and has set a seal upon his hearing and his heart and put over his vision a veil? So who will guide him after God? Then will you not be reminded? [Quran, 45:23]

Say, "Whose testimony is the greatest?" Say, "God's. He witness between me and you, and has revealed to me this Quran that I may warn you with it and whoever it reaches. Indeed, you bear witness that there are other gods beside God." Say, "I do not testify as you do; there is only one god, and I disown your idolatry." [Quran, 6:19]

Turn to Him, and fear Him, and establish prayer and do not be of the polytheists. [Quran, 30:31]

And those who avoid the false gods lest they serve them and turn to God, for them are glad tidings. [Quran, 39:17]

April 15, 2011

The Testimony Of The Hypocrites

The famous sectarian (sunni) testimony goes like this:
"I bear witness that there is no god but God, and I bear witness that Mohammad is God's servant and His Messenger".

But there is something wrong here.

According to the Quran:
When God alone is mentioned, the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter shrink with aversion. But when others are mentioned beside Him, they become satisfied. [Quran, 39:45]

When the hypocrites come to you they say "We bear witness that you are the messenger of God" God knows that you are His messenger, and God bears witness that the hypocrites are liars. They take their oaths as a cover, they turn away from the Way of God. Indeed, it is evil that they are doing. They believed, then disbelieved. That is because their hearts are sealed so they do not understand. [Quran, 63:1-3]

To witness that Muhammad is God's prophet is a testimony of the hypocrites, as the verses clearly stated above.

We are NOT TO ASSOCIATE anyone with God, also we are NOT TO MAKE ANY DISTINCTION among God's prophets.

And those who believe in God and His messengers, and do not make distinction between any of them, to those He is going to give their rewards. And ever is God Forgiving and Merciful. [Quran, 4:152]

It is written in Arabic; "la ilaha illa Allah" ("there is no god but God"). The other part of the sentence which the Sunnis are using, that about Muhammad being God's messenger, is actually a complete sentence, it does not even belong with the first part of the sectarian sentence in the so called shahada! Somebody added them together to the already existing and complete sentence of the fact that there is only ONE god and that is GOD!

God bears witness that there is no god except Him, and so do the angels, and those who posses knowledge, standing in justice. There is no god except Him the Almighty, the Wise. [Quran, 3:18]

April 14, 2011

The Origin Of The Word, "Amen".

Amoun is the name of an Egyptian god, also known as Amon, Ammon, Amun and Amen.

"Amen" is commonly used in all Masonic prayers. The Talmudists have many superstitious notions in respect to this word. It is said that whoever pronounces it with fixed attention and devotion, to him the gates of Paradise will be opened; and again, "whosoever dwells upon it, pronouncing it distinctly and slowly, his life shall be prolonged."

Both of these sayings "Amen" and "So Mote it Be" are usually said at the closing of a spell, or ritual, and means "so as I will it, so shall it be done." In other words, it is an affirmation that the object of the speaker's desire will manifest into reality to and through Amon/Amen.

To this day, the name of the Egyptian God, "Amen" is still recited at the end of prayers in both Jewish and Christian Religions, and is being used by many Muslims as well. The Hebrews adopted the word and it passed into Christian use as "Amen". It is a petition for the God, Amen, to fulfill our words.

For more information, please click here!

April 11, 2011

The First Chapter Of The Quran

1. In the name of God, The Compassionate, The Merciful.
2. Praise be to God, the Lord of the Worlds.
3. The Compassionate, The Merciful.
4. The Master of the Day of Judgment.
5. You alone we serve, and You alone we ask for help.
6. Guide us to the straight path.
7. The path of those you have bestowed favors, not of those who earned wrath, and not of those who go astray.